John Spence

Check out all 12 songs released from the album "BURNING SKY" by Australian musician John Spence. Released July 2024.

Burning Sky

Well, it’s finally here. I am very pleased to announce the release of the full album – “Burning Sky

I’ve been having the time of my life this past year. It’s been the realisation of a long held dream – to record a batch of originals with the best musicians I could wish for, and to finally get those songs out of my head and into the world.

This album is a culmination of writing over many years, and features a dream team of musicians including James Gillard on bass and backing vocals, premier Sydney drummer Hamish Stuart, keyboard maestro Bill Risby and Whitlams guitarist Ollie Thorpe on pedal steel and slide guitar.

Making it all sound fabulous was recording engineer extraordinaire Ted Howard, with mastering by Jeff McCormack – thanks guys.

Those with a long memory may recall that James Gillard & I founded The Fargone Beauties along with our mate Terry Murray back in the early 90s. The Fargs released four albums, performed on countless TV shows, played all the pubs and clubs, and scared the life out of audiences at every major country music festival in Australia.

Following The Fargones, I spent many years behind the scenes in the music industry, including production roles with the Golden Guitar Awards, the Sydney Olympics, the ABC & Nine Network television, and hundreds of concerts and events.

But I’ve always continued writing songs, and finally in 2023 I got back into the studio to record 12 tracks – ideas that had been taking form for some time, but had not been properly documented until now.

We’ve released 4 singles to date including Burning Sky, (Everybody Wants To Be A) Winner, Livin' The Dream and The Mystery Train – all of which secured widespread radio play and entered the Top Ten on Australia’s AMRAP charts – a pleasant surprise.

Those songs are now joined by 8 more tracks, all available to find on Spotify, Apple Music, Youtube and the other streamers.

We also have actual hard copy CDs available to buy featuring the artwork you see here. If that is of interest, please just drop me an email to and we'll organise to get one to you. AUD$20 including postage in Australia. There's no Buy It Now on this website - I'll advise bank details for EFT and you'll have the CD in a few days.

The “Burning Sky” album sits happily in the field of modern country rock, with a bluesy edge, lots of guitars and big vocal harmonies.

I hope you enjoy it !

Cheers, JS

Album released July 2024


Fans of what some might call “Country With A Twist” may remember that lively Sydney outfit from the 1990s, The Fargone Beauties. The band was a happy accident, formed in the early 90s when John rounded up local mates James Gillard and Terry Murray for one gig (with Tommy Emmanuel on drums), and the rest, as they say, is (twisted) history.

The Fargs later hit the studio and recorded a batch of songs for fun, including their “thrashgrass” take on rock classics Wild Thing and Hey Joe, both of which garnered regular airplay on Sydney FM radio.

The band released four albums, performed on countless TV shows, played all the pubs and clubs, and scared the life out of audiences at every major country music festival in Australia. More on The Fargone Beauties way down below.

Now, after many years working on the production side of music, events & TV, John has re-entered the studio to record 12 tracks – original songs that have been taking form for some time, but had not been properly documented until now. The songs sit happily in the field of modern country rock, with a bluesy edge, lots of guitars and big vocal harmonies.

New Video Showreel

This is a short video compilation of clips from our live shows at the Tamworth Country Music Festival 2024.

Great band including -

Vaughan Jones (Troy Cassar Daley) - keyboards & vocal

Ian Lees (Moving Pictures, Chasin' The Train) - bass

Dave Moore (Adam Harvey, Bill Chambers) - pedal steel

Nik Downing - drums & vocal

John Spence (Fargone Beauties, Classic Kings) - guitars & vocals

Click here for Youtube link -

Had a fabulous time playing these two album showcase gigs in Tamworth leading up to The Golden Guitar Awards. We had a cracking all-star band featuring -

Vaughan Jones (Troy Cassar Daley) - keyboards & vocal

Ian Lees (Moving Pictures, Chasin' The Train) - bass

Dave Moore (Adam Harvey, Bill Chambers) - pedal steel

Nik Downing from Brisbane stepped in for Billy Handley at short notice on drums & vocal

John Spence (Fargone Beauties, Classic Kings) - guitars & vocal

We had a great crowd to play to at Legends Bar at West Tamworth Leagues Club on both nights - very receptive & supportive of a "new" act playing 50% original material - most encouraging !

New gigs coming up mid year around album release time - to be advised

For further info contact Bec Gracie Publicity –

Or email -

Live Shows

The release of the Burning Sky album was released on 5th July 2024.

All the tracks are mixed, coming together beautifully with the skills of recording & mixing engineer extraordinaire Ted Howard. And it's all sounding sonically fab after a great mastering job by Jeff McCormack.

Recorded at Jim Moginie's Oceanic Studios in Sydney, we had a dream team of great players – James Gillard on bass & vocals, premier Sydney drummer Hamish Stuart, keyboard maestro Bill Risby and Whitlams guitarist Ollie Thorpe on steel & slide.

The album and its individual tracks are available to listen to and buy via download on the usual platforms, including Spotify, Apple Music, Youtube and other streamers.

Album info as follows -

  1. The Mystery Train

  2. Burning Sky

  3. Breathe The Air

  4. Livin' The Dream

  5. I'm Still Learning

  6. Connection

  7. These Words

  8. Heartbeat

  9. I'm Gone

  10. (Everybody Wants To Be A) Winner

  11. Last One To Know

  12. Back To New South Wales

Personnel -

John Spence - vocals, electric & acoustic guitars

James Gillard - electric bass, upright bass, backing vocals

Bill Risby - piano, Fender Rhodes, Hammond organ, Wurlitzer

Ollie Thorpe - pedal steel, slide guitar

Hamish Stuart - drums & percussion


Produced by John Spence

Recorded and mixed by Ted Howard

Mastered by Jeff McCormack

All songs composed by John Spence (Control)

© Copyright John Spence 2023. All rights reserved

New Album

Latest Singles

Here's "Livin' The Dream", released in January 2024 -

Livin' The Dream

“Livin’ The Dream” is a tale of reflection, and of optimism for the future.

I wonder if we sometimes look back on memories of our past as being the “golden days”. Sun and surf, road trips and romance, rock & roll and party time – we had our fun, didn’t we ? But if we get caught up in the attractive sepia tones of nostalgia, we run the risk of not keeping our eyes open to what’s happening around us right now.

As Joe Walsh said “Life’s Been Good To Me So Far”, but I’m still wondering what’s around the corner. So I decided to take a look.

And that’s partly the motivation for writing these songs, and this one in particular. Who knows where this recording project may lead, but so far it’s been most rewarding and a whole lot of fun.


And very happy to see “Livin’ The Dream” listed at number 3 on the AMRAP charts in its first week of release.

The Amrap Metro and Regional Charts are a weekly 'top ten' of the most downloaded tracks on Amrap, from metro and regional community radio stations and program makers.

“All These Words” – single release July 2024

“All These Words” was released on 5th July 2024, from the album entitled “Burning Sky” by John Spence.

“All These Words” is a journey through the maze of emotions we all face from time to time. When we’re overwhelmed by life's complexities, sometimes we go in search of moments of surrender and simplicity.

The song delves into the contrasts of longing and confusion, and the search for emotional contact as life throws up its challenges.

Here’s links to the new radio focus track “All These Words” –

“The Mystery Train” – single release April 2024

“The Mystery Train” was released in April 2024, from the album entitled “Burning Sky” b y John Spence.

“The Mystery Train” narrates a story of young love and the excitement of embarking on a journey of exploration together

It’s a tale about a metaphorical voyage with no pre-determined destination, even out across a mystical mythic ocean, where every twist and turn promises new discoveries and experiences.

Spotify link -

Youtube link –

"The Mystery Train" entered the AMRAP charts at #8 in first week of release, and remained top ten for 3 weeks.


Here's the first two singles, released in September 2023 -

Burning Sky

Burning Sky” is the story of some young friends who undertake an adventure to the far west in search of mining work. The idea was to dedicate a year or so of hard labour to build a cash reserve to set them up for later endeavours. But ongoing droughts and tough economic conditions brings about the demise of the town and its industry, forcing some hard decisions about whether to pursue their outback dream, or head back to the city.

It is not an entirely fictional story, and based on the ongoing challenges of remote communities in ever deteriorating harsh environments.

(Everybody Wants To Be A) Winner

(Everybody Wants To Be A) Winner” is a love story. It is simply about a young bloke who has probably found the love of his life, but is tempted by distractions. He struggles with temptations until he realises that his original true love really is the one for him.

(Everybody Wants To Be A) Winner entered the national AMRAP chart at #8 in its first week of release.

(Everybody Wants To Be A) Winner entered the national AMRAP chart at #8 in its first week of release

"The Mystery Train" entered the AMRAP charts at #8 in first week of release, and remained top ten for 3 weeks.

In late 1989 the great Australian guitarist Tommy Emmanuel was about to perform some solo shows and dates with his brother Phil in Sydney. He called a musician friend, John Spence, with a dilemma. "Spencey, I've just found out we're onstage at 11.00 pm tomorrow night and we need a support act. We need someone to play between 8.30 and 10.30 & warm up the punters before we go on. And you’re it !"

No problem Tommy. John called his mate James Gillard, who had recently moved to Sydney from Melbourne where he'd been playing bass and singing with Mondo Rock and Broderick Smith's Big Combo. John & James put a song list together and, without rehearsing, played the show the next night as a duo.

"Hey, that was great, but I reckon we can crank it up a bit," said Tommy backstage after the first night. "In fact let's make it a band tomorrow night, and I'll play drums." It's a little known fact that besides being one of the greatest guitarists in the world (Tommy was inducted as a CGP - Certified Guitar Player, by the legendary Chet Atkins, one of only 3 worldwide), Tommy is also a fantastic drummer, and loves playing when he gets the chance.

So John hauled in another muso mate, virtuoso guitarist & Cockney looney, Terry Murray, to join them the next night. Again with no rehearsal, the "band" played a great set and at the conclusion a band agent and venue booker, Tim Kirkland from Peak Promotions, walked out of the audience & said "Who are you guys, what is this band & do you want some work ? I can book you next weekend if you like."

Problem was, it wasn't really a band, we didn't have a name, and there were certainly no plans to do any more shows. But on hearing this Tommy chimed in, "I'm up for it. I'm in Sydney for the next three weeks doing sessions, and I'm in, as long as I get to play drums." James very quickly added the band name, "we're called The Fargone Beauties".

After we all did a double take on the double meaning of the name, we laughed and thought why not, just go out and play a few gigs, have some fun & it's all over.

So there it was, an accidental band with a name and gigs booked (still no rehearsals) and ready to go. We refined the song list somewhat, mainly playing covers leaning toward rock where it meets country & R & B. We also found that there were three strong singers who found natural harmony parts. And of course, Tommy was sensational on drums. He never once played guitar with us in those formative weeks.

Three weeks of gigs turned into months of forward bookings, including some shows in the NSW ski fields that year, so when Tommy had to depart we took our friend Doug Bligh (ex Goldrush) with us on drums. Doing sound for us on that trip was the wonderful banjo player Mark Collins, and during some downtime Mark would play with us adding some wicked banjo to our rock repertoire.

After returning to Sydney, we actually decided to rehearse and add some different songs to the live show. At one memorable rehearsal one of the guys suggested doing a beefed up bluegrass version of the classic Troggs hit "Wild Thing", and Terry came up with the idea of adding the theme from Bonanza in the middle.

We added a similar treatment to Jimi Hendix's "Hey Joe", and Johnny O'Keefe's "She's My Baby" A new musical genre of our very own was germinated that day - "thrashgrass" was born.

After test driving the new repertoire in the Sydney pubs, the band developed a following of dedicated fans and shows were beginning to sell out. People thought the whole thing was mad, and they were right. No one, least of all us, took anything seriously. We just went out, played loud & hard & the audiences loved it.

And one very influential friend also became a fan along the way. Australian broadcasting legend Doug Mulray was then presenting Sydney's top rating breakfast show on 2MMM FM, occasionally working with Terry Murray on musical content for his show. Uncle Doug loved the Fargs immediately. Our irreverent take of mismatching musical styles appealed to Doug's twisted sense of humour, and he regularly referred to us as "the greatest band in the world".

Who were we to argue?

After recording a demo tape of songs at Guy Dickerson's Megaphon Studios, Uncle Doug started playing "Wild Thing" every day for two weeks on his radio show. The Fargone fairy tale was spreading. To this day we owe a debt of gratitude to Doug for his farsighted talent spotting and his willingness to flog it on radio, especially when it was well outside the station's playlist.

We also caught the ears of Andrew Denton, one of Australia's great TV interviewers. Andrew was hosting a national TV show on ABC "The Money Or The Gun", which developed a theme of having a different act perform the Led Zeppelin classic "Stairway To Heaven" each week in their own musical style.

The Fargones were asked to perform their "thrashgrass" version of the song on national TV. We were in good company with the likes of Kate Ceberano's funk treatment, John Paul Young's "Love Is In The Air" version and actor Leonard Teale's narrated adaptation.

This propelled the Fargones onto the national stage, which led to an offer to release a CD. Our first album "The Fargone Beauties" was released early in 1991 on the True Blue label, through Sony. By this time the great drummer Mark Meyer (Stylus, Richard Clapton) had joined us and played on most tracks on the first album, along with Mark Collins on banjo.

The album sold well and got the band invited onto many TV shows including 17 appearances on the Nine Network's "Midday Show" with Ray Martin, Hey Hey It's Saturday, The Footy Show and many others. This led to invitations to perform on some of the big music festivals including the Gympie Music Muster and the Tamworth Country Music Festival, and over the next three years the band could be relied upon to scare the life out of audiences at every major music event in Australia.

The band's second album was appropriately titled "It's Hard When You're Ugly" and was released in 1992 on the Emerald City label through Phonogram. Dave Druery had joined on drums by then and shared the recording work with Mark Meyer. This album included the killer thrashgrass version of AC/DC's "Highway To Hell" which, we are told, was most enjoyed by Angus & Malcolm Young when it was brought to their attention.

The Fargone Beauties were anything but nice. We were a full-on electric band with loud drums, loud guitars, loud banjos, and big (loud) vocals. We were dedicated to dismembering classic rock songs and ripping them up in true thrashgrass style. You'd hear us coming and never forget the experience.

Our third album "Dark Side Of The Moo" was released in 1994 through Dino Music. The album title continued the strange bovine theme that began by accident when the famous Fargone cow first turned up on the debut album cover.

By this time John had departed due to business commitments (he had to go and earn a living instead of playing in a band & having way more fun), and drummer extraordinaire Mark Marriott had joined the band just before the album recording. Darryl Melbourne was recruited on banjo, dobro & guitar, and mandolin maestro Kym Warner also played on this album and in subsequent promo shows. This line-up played on for another couple of years before everybody got so busy with other musical projects that it became difficult for everyone to commit to the Fargones the way they had before. There were sporadic gigs, still packing out venues as always, and more TV time, but the remaining members decided to sideline the Fargone Beauties around 1996.

In the intervening years one consistent theme has followed all members of the band as they continued playing with other line-ups. People would regularly come up and ask, "When are the Fargones getting back together" or "Will the Fargs ever play again?"

Nothing changed in the ten years or so that the band had not played together, and with the internet now connecting everyone like never before, we had persistent enquiries about whether the band may ever reunite. It seemed like the short burst of notoriety the band enjoyed in the early nineties made an impression far and wide, way beyond the crowds who packed the pubs in the early days.

Fast forward to 2006 which coincided with the 25th anniversary of the Gympie Music Muster, which is one of the biggest annual music festivals in Australia. Over 100,000 people now make it to Gympie in south eastern Queensland each year to enjoy a week of sunshine, camping, bush tucker, beer and Bundaberg rum, along with over 100 diverse music acts to be enjoyed on the 10 stages erected in pristine bushland many miles from anywhere.

The Muster organisers extended an invitation to the "band that wouldn't die" and Terry, James, John & Mark met early in the year to discuss the very serious business of playing together for the first time in over a decade. It seemed that interest in the band had never gone away, and if we were to do it again, this was certainly a fitting occasion. As usual, the meeting was anything but serious. Bad jokes and stupid stories were told, rememberances reminisced and at the end of it all we decided what the hell, if there's a chance to flop out those old tunes again, let's do it.

Somehow we managed to find four days between February and August when we were all in the same
city together, and fitted in a photo session, a TV appearance, and two rehearsals, just in case the arrangements needed cranking up.

The Fargones enjoyed legendary status as a sure-fire, crowd pleasing big event drawcard throughout their earlier incarnation, and on Saturday 25th August 2006, after twelve years apart, the original Fargone Beauties played the Gympie Muster Main Stage and blew the cobwebs, and the crowd, away. As the sun set over the mountain we played all the classic thrassgrass hits and stirred up the dust and 20,000 or so sweaty Fargs fans just like in days gone by.

To coincide with their reunion, and to satisfy a growing demand for the old albums which by now were impossible to get, the band released a best of CD album in August 2006 -

"A Load Of Old Bullocks - The Best Of The Fargone Beauties "

It has 20 of the band's biggest hits and favourite tracks off the previous albums. It can still be found (occasionally & with great difficulty) on Ebay and other collector sites.

However, you can now find The Fargone Beauties on Spotify and other digital streaming services. So if you’d like a flashback to the era of “thrashgrass”, come on over & visit the Fargs on Spotify etc.

So that’s the story of our accidental band, The Fargone Beauties. All the band members are still committed to their many musical projects, and remain busy in the Australian music scene.

The Fargone Beauties story ...

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